Certificate in Counsellor Training
(part-time apprenticeship)

Calling all would-be trainers!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become a counsellor trainer? Now is your chance to find out! We are seeking motivated people who are passionate about enabling new students to become seriously good counsellors. The Cork Counselling Services Training Institute is currently accepting applications for its two year Certificate in Counsellor Training (part-time apprenticeship).
Counselling graduates face an exciting but often challenging journey as they work towards professional certification as trainers. The move from practitioner to trainer is stimulating and demanding. This post-graduate apprenticeship in counselling training is designed to offer you a comprehensive package that addresses your requirements.
At the end of training we expect apprentice trainers to
- Have an overall and comprehensive understanding of the requirements of general counselling training
- Be safely able to co-facilitate a counselling training group
- Have a working knowledge of group theory and dynamics and their relevance to counselling training
- Be able to establish and maintain working relationships with students
- Have a basic competence in student assessment and in designing training exercises
- Be able to teach Humanistic Integrative theory and skills development
- Be able to articulate models of adult learning and the stages of development involved in same
- Be able to facilitate students in their own personal development, and have knowledge and skill around transference and counter-transference in training and counselling
- Be familiar with the code of ethics for counsellor trainers and have experience of applying this in practice
- Be able to work as part of a training team and have awareness of interpersonal dynamics and their effect on their work with students
- Be self directive and creative in their learning
Why train with us?
- Experience of ongoing training by experienced trainers.
- Supervised experience of working with students at various levels of training from intake to graduation.
- Individual and group supervision with experienced training facilitators.
- Comprehensive programme covering essential learning required by trainers in the counselling profession
- Access to extensive professional consultation and research resources.
- A small number of places guarantees ongoing individual attention.
The training is over a period of two years. However, in some cases apprentice trainers (AT’s) may need to continue longer; this depends on their starting level of development and experience and their time and availability to work with training schedules. The Certificate will run from September 2023 to July 2025 – term time coincides with the working and holiday time of the Institute. Preparation and study time is additional to training workshop time. Full attendance of staff meetings, training supervision and external examiner meetings is also required. Please note that planning, design and student assessment take up considerable time along with meeting students should they request this.
Work with Core Trainer
- 9 to 10 workshops wit prep time before and debrief after each
- Meetings with students as they arise
- Training supervision monthly (full day)
- External examiner (two full days)
- Planning, marking meetings
- Involvement in student marking and assessment
- Maintenance of records
Written assignments
ATs are required to submit two formal written assignments over the duration of their training. In addition, they are required to learn and maintain group record maintenance
Apprentice Trainers are fully sponsored by CCSTI to complete the training. This is provided on the understanding that post qualification A.Ts work for a further two years part time for the organisation (for remuneration). Please note that personal therapy costs are not included.
Entry Requirements
- Hold a recognised qualification in Counselling, psychotherapy, and /or counselling psychology. (IACP, IAHIP, PSI Guidelines). Copy of Certification required
- To have membership of IACP (Copy of certificate of membership required )
- Garda Clearance.
- Two current references (At least one is required from a primary trainer on their course.)
All A.T.’s are expected to be in practice as counsellors in their own right. I.A.C.P. accreditation is desirable and those apprentice trainers who do not yet have this are expected to be actively working towards accreditation.
Application process
Applicants are required to submit letter of application outlining their personal and professional reasons for applying for training and a current CV and to attend for individual/and /or group interviews.
There is no fee for application.
For enquiries and application forms email info@corkcounsellingservices.ie or phone 021-4274951
Where ordinary
people can make
an extraordinary
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